A2A2 Family Milk Cows for sale now.
I’ll not bore you with further general descriptions – here is what is available currently Spring 2023.
FLASHY TUNA – A2A2 Certified
Family Milk Cow Size – Mini Jersey x French Normande. Very Flashy Exotic pelt, born May 21, 2016 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother. She is bred.
1/7/23 SOLD.

Family Milk Cow Size Mini Jersey x French Normande. Brindle Exotic pelt, calved July 17, 2016 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother. Has been Pasture Exposed to LUKE’S TOP CHOICE. Confirmed SFE IN CALF on 2/19/23.
3/4/23 SOLD
Jerseys – A2A1 Certified
Family Homestead Milk Cow – MILLIE is a small frame homozygous polled Pure Bred proven Jersey cow. Gorgeous gold and white. She has a certified A2A2 bull calf at her side and producing about 8.25 lbs. of milk a day while raising him (CHICKORY.) She milks well by hand or machine.
CX-79 Cinnamon – A2A2 Certified
Family Homestead Milk Cow – Small Frame Pure Bred Jersey. Gorgeous gold and white. She is a 1st time proven heifer, should be bred back to KRIS KRINGLE. She was calved May 5, 2021, is easy to milk, and very docile around youngsters.

BONNIE BRIE – A2A2 Certified
Family Milk Cow Size – Full Blood French Normande EMBRYO TRANSPLANT. Flashy Exotic pelt, born May 21, 2016 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother with a super 1/2 Hereford calf at her side. She is open; to be bred back June 2023.
2/11/2023 SOLD
French Normande Bonnie Brie
Family Milk Cow A2
Yes we have more. Come see us.
Family Milk Cow A2A2
What Sets Us Apart
We are a teaching / seed stock producer/developer for the small family farmer.
Expect Amazing
We accomplish our objectives of raising food fit to eat by Bio-Dynamic methods.
Come See Us
Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas.
Navigate your Google map to: “Falster Farm near Winnsboro, Texas”
903-629-3034 Home 210-859-1465 Cell