A2A2 Family Milk Cows for sale now.
I’ll not bore you with further general descriptions – here is what is available currently Spring 2023.
FLASHY TUNA – A2A2 Certified
Family Milk Cow Size – Mini Jersey x French Normande. Very Flashy Exotic pelt, born May 21, 2016 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother. She is bred.
1/7/23 SOLD.

Family Milk Cow Size Mini Jersey x French Normande. Brindle Exotic pelt, calved July 17, 2016 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother. Has been Pasture Exposed to LUKE’S TOP CHOICE. Confirmed SFE IN CALF on 2/19/23.
3/4/23 SOLD
Jerseys – A2A1 Certified
Family Homestead Milk Cow – MILLIE is a small frame homozygous polled Pure Bred proven Jersey cow. Gorgeous gold and white. She has a certified A2A2 bull calf at her side and producing about 8.25 lbs. of milk a day while raising him (CHICKORY.) She milks well by hand or machine.
CX-79 Cinnamon – A2A2 Certified
Family Homestead Milk Cow – Small Frame Pure Bred Jersey. Gorgeous gold and white. She is a 1st time proven heifer, should be bred back to KRIS KRINGLE. She was calved May 5, 2021, is easy to milk, and very docile around youngsters.
PRINCESS – A2A2 Certified
Family Milk Cow Size – Jersey x French Normande. Gorgeous gold and white. Calves have been very flashy and vigorous. Born October 21, 2014 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother. Her mother was 18 years old when she gave us her last calf! Princess is open with a calf nursing.
9/15/23 SOLD

BONNIE BRIE – A2A2 Certified
Family Milk Cow Size – Full Blood French Normande EMBRYO TRANSPLANT. Flashy Exotic pelt, born May 21, 2016 on Falster Farm. Very docile and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is a proven mother with a super 1/2 Hereford calf at her side. She is open; to be bred back June 2023.
2/11/2023 SOLD
French Normande Bonnie Brie
Family Milk Cow A2
Yes we have more. Come see us.
Family Milk Cow A2A2
What Sets Us Apart
We are a teaching / seed stock producer/developer for the small family farmer.
Expect Amazing
We accomplish our objectives of raising food fit to eat by Bio-Dynamic methods.
Come See Us
Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas.
Navigate your Google map to: “Falster Farm near Winnsboro, Texas”
903-629-3034 Home 210-859-1465 Cell