Terms and Conditions of our Sale
Falster Farm’s Private Treaty
Karl or Nancy Falster, attest all animals sold are owned by them and are free and clear of any obligations what’s so ever.
Our Full Blood “Seed Stock” breeds are:
Red Angus, Hereford, Mini Jersey and Normande – each are registered their respective association registrar if so indicated and certificate will be supplied to the buyer. If not indicated, the animals pedigree is supplied and buyer may register with same. Transfer of registered ownership is incumbent on the buyer.
TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the Falster. A deposit of 1/3 the purchase price may by paid by wire, check, or credit card which holds them for 15 days without board, after that, dollar-a-day for each except the calves of 6 months and under at no charge so as to see that animals are fed and cared for. Funds must be in our bank in Winnsboro before shipment.
HEALTH: All animals and Falster genetic breeding products are eligible for interstate and in some cases, international shipment; except as otherwise announced. Interstate health papers will be furnished for each animal requiring T.B., Bang’s, and other health testing in accordance with State and Federal Regulations. Females sold with ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE (AI): A.I. Service Certificates shall be furnished by the Seller, at no cost to the Buyer. For all females sold bred artificially to bulls not owned by Falster, only reference bull and date bred shall be furnished. Interstate buyers of non-virgin bulls must have them tested for Trichomoniasis, at the buyer’s expense.
BREEDING GUARANTEE: All animals are guaranteed breeders, with the exception of: calves under twelve months of age and those animals steered. Bulls are guaranteed breeders if not allowed to run with the herd until at least 14 months of age. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen of a purchased bull shall be by separate agreement between Buyer and Seller.
DELIVER: Delivery is available by our truck and trailer, free of charge within 25 miles of Winnsboro, Texas; longer distances are on a case by case basis. But basically:
- Within 25 miles – no charge.
- Within 300 miles – 1 dollar a mile
- Over 300 miles or with heavy trailer – 2 dollars a mile plus over night board for driver and animals (figured on a case by case basis.)
Price includes insurance, fuel, tires, and trailer clean out. Your purchase is fully insured in our equipment agricultural/commercial up to the point it is transferred to the buyer. Ownership is not transferred unto full invoice price is fully paid.
We’re able to apply a number of different options to help ensure the success of your purchase, depending on your project’s specific needs. Therefore, Terms and Conditions of our Sale as subject to change with agreement by the buyer.

Come See Us
Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas.
Navigate your Google map to: “Falster Farm near Winnsboro, Texas”