May 8, 2019
My brother and me spent a month at the Falster farm [from Germany & Croatia] and it was beyond all expectations. Karl and Nancy are wonderful people who will not only teach you farming but also be an example of how to treat each other after over 20 years of being married. 80% of the food they have in the kitchen is from their farm and they literally would not need a supermarket to go to. We were very impressed of how they treat and connect with their animals and how the animals enjoy to be a part of this farm. Nancy is a great cook. She taught us to make mozzarella cheese, ricotta and how to use every leftover you have in the kitchen. Karl gave us important lessons about animals – how they feel, how they behave and what their job is. He was giving us trust and responsibility from the first day so we could build a new chicken house and a roost as we wanted it to look like. He showed us how to move cattle and through the work we understood why the meat they have is so special and tasty like nothing we ever had before. The whole time we had big help from Elizabeth- she is the intern at the farm. She showed us how to milk a cow, how to take care of animals and how to live with the nature and being satisfied with simple things like the sound of trees in the wind. I would recommend to visit the farm to every city person to have a new perspective on the sense of its job and life and to everyone who wants to lern about producing own food and the difference between an organic farm and a factory farm. We hope to be back in the future.
October 1, 2018
Good afternoon Falster Farm! I know its been a while but thought we would update you on Tootsie. She has been a delight and a joy. Everyone that meets her falls in love, she has been more than we could have ever hoped for in a mini cow. I’m sending a picture of her with her new baby boy born about 2 months ago. He is a little sweetie just like she is.
I hope you are enjoying your adventures on board and afloat!
Pam Costin
– Toys In The Garden Teacup Schnauzers, southeastern Oklahoma
July 16, 2018 “I found Falster Farm by searching Google for Mini cattle, they were in the top five so along with several other sites I gave them a call. I had bought an unregistered Mini Hereford cow and calf from a man in Texarkana, and I liked them, but wanted to get them breed to a real Mini Hereford bull. I have no background in farming, and am learning as I go along. Nancy put me at ease right away. She engaged me right away, was really interested in discovering what I had to work with and what I wanted to accomplish. She and Karl have been my farm go to resource of choice since day one. When I drove over and met them personally, I was impressed so much, I bought a registered Mini Hereford cow with her calf, and a heifer; and, I leased the most viral, yet easy going bull imaginable Tristan. They always deliver fantastic results. Today I have rented another bull Capt. Mike, he’s a pistol. I’m looking for more of the same. “
Mike – Construction Superintendent in Texarkana, Texas
April 5, 2018 “When we finally made up our mind that we wanted a family milk cow, that was in milk, and young so we could bring her up. Nancy and Karl helped us pick out the right mini jersey cow for us. They kept and trained her to hand milk and the calf to lead by a halter. We got anxious about her not breeding back on the 1st attempt, but Karl explained how a 1st time heifer can have energy issues. I actually didn’t know any of the thinks he was so willing to explain to me.
June, 30, 2018 “When I picked up the cow calf, Nancy showed me how to load her and the calf up with absolutely no stress except on me. I got them home and found I needed to fix my setup which Karl coached me through over the telephone and even followed up by text.”
John – Caddo Mills, Texas
April 12, 2018 “Wow Wow Wow! What wonderful people! Karl, went way out of his way to be blessing to our family. They took their time explaining to us newbies all of our options and the entire process of breeding our cow via AI to a French Bull! They totally went above and beyond in every way. They took such great care of our cow that not only did she come home bred to the absolute best breeding stock, but her body condition had improved 100% during her time spent at Falster Farm! They fed her their special feed regimen the entire time she was there! That was so kind and just goes to show how much they truly care not only their own animals but about also for their clients animals. We just can not thank this family enough for helping us through this process and taking such great care of our girl!.”
Matthew and Terry – Gilmer, Texas
“I won’t hold being a former Marine against Karl, only because he has helped with my little cattle herd in person and over the phone so many times. Nancy is the best hostess I’ve ever met, I love my visit with them every year around hog hunting time. “
Glen – Rock and Stump Farmers – Wimberly, Texas
We are occasionally asked who our customer is -“who do you sell to?” Our answer is a simple one: our customers are folks that want to live the country life to a greater or lessor degree. From Christmas presents, 4 H showing, to gourmet beef with petite cuts, they all share one attribute – they want the very best. We continue to dedicate and find our joy of farming in providing the very best cattle to all that grace our path. We have had so many testimonies, and so little time to post them; I don’t have a single one posted for the folks offshore, but I’ll get to it sooner or later.
5/15/02 Dear Nancy, Jim and I really appreciate your helping us get started with the mini Hereford cattle. We bought our bull from Mr. Largent but loved the heifers at your place. KNF APRIL ANN is a dream to look at each time we go outside. Thank you for the sale and the delivery. Judy Peterson – Boerne, Texas
3/1/04 Karl, Thanks for the contacts and sales we’ve made by way of your website. Here’s a check for $500.
Ron Himmelberg – Branson, MO
10/09/2004 Karl, your help in selling our cows was a God send. With my husband down with cancer I didn’t know what to do about our mini Herefords and the goat. Your phone conversation with him and business dealings gave us both relief and strength to carry on during very difficult times. You and Nancy sold them all, you came and picked them up and you delivered them for us, and took care of all the paper work. Marc has passed on now. As you know Marc sold all his big cows and invested in Miniature Herefords in 1990. He knew his health was failing him too much to run those bigger cows, but the Mini Herefords were gentle and he enjoyed having them so much. I’m enclosing his obituary pamphlet. Thank you so much for all your help. God Bless you both. Barbara – Waller, Texas
11/15/04 Dear Nancy & Karl: you were so wonderful to help out our neighbor Barbara. She told us all about it, and we want you to sell our miniature Herefords too. Mildred – Waller, Texas
8/9/2005 At approximately 4pm today Champion Farms was blessed with a little addition to its ranks. The baby calf is nursing well and appears to be in excellent health. 90% certain we are looking at a little girl, either way it’s a blessing to see all of them hit the ground healthy. Dagmar is indeed a Champion. Thank You for selling him to us. Keith Land – Champion Farms, Georgetown, Texas
11/28/05 Hi Nancy and Karl, We made it to Katy fine with all the cows and bull. I already have two of them eating out of my hand. Wanted to let you know I got registered with the Hereford Association, it may make it easier transferring the paper work. My number is 7529632 and it is under my name. Looking forward to seeing you all around the ninth. [For delivery of balance on an order of 9 Cows and 1 Herd Sire] Will get Ken to make you a pot of sausage and chicken gumbo. Sonja – Houston, TX
3/16/06 We feel y’all are charging way too much in shipping [to New York state]. Thanks anyway. Fondly, Mary Beth
3/26/06 He [KNF Kenneth Ray] is doing great. Tell Nancy I will be sending pictures of Madison (12 year old daughter) leading Kenneth Ray. He took to the halter and leading with no fight. He is a very sweet animal [pet bull calf]. Madison is enjoying him very much. Continued success with your farm. Thank you – Catherine Garrett
4/06/06 Thank you so much. The semen shipment went so smoothly, we already have the girls pregnant. We look forward to hearing from you. – Daryl Bailey
8/14/2006 Thank you Karl:
Someone finally explained it to be so I can understand it [Line Breeding]. (Went back to college to get a degree in Farm and Range management and changed to Landscape Design and Horticulture). Was older than most of my Professor’s which helped me considerably.
Anyway, I had a couple try to explain it [Line Breeding] and to me they had no real clue.
I knew that Justin Morgan started the Morgan line with one great horse, and I also knew that many of the major breeds were done that way too.
I looked into the “Panda” and concluded as you did – IT AIN’T WORKING.
It seems this gentleman is trying to get somewhere and forgetting where the cart is.
I looked at all of his Progeny – for all his “Breeds” and found them ALL lacking in sustainability. The third and fourth generations are just not producing like the first.
Most major breeds, have came from multiple generations of the same “look”.
Look at the “Black Baldy”, some would say it is the best of two breeds. Well it at least it looks like the same animal time after time.
Your Herefords ALL look like the “Regular” size Hereford.
This is what I am looking for.
The same, but better.
Thanks for all the information
I try to do as much organic as I can. Used to have my own Pest Control Co., but did the best I could to use the least chemicals possible. Still Live in that world.
Everything we need to take care of ANY problem we have is here on this Earth. (paraphrased) and I totally believe this.
10/14/06 I’ve been receiving your update emails and I do thank you. I’m interested in buying another heifer, we had our first calf in July and it was a bull. Thanks-Anthony
1/27/07 Hey guys, Tonight I fixed the grass-fed steaks you so graciously shared. They were wonderful. We had a glass of wine with our meal, and needless to say, it was a meal fit for a king. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Carl, it was so great having you here. You seemed to be at ease here, and that made us feel so good. We are always so happy when people seem to be relaxed and at ease in our home. We want our home to be a place where others feel “at home”. We look forward to being with you both again. There are a lot of good times to share yet ahead of us. Love, Teresa, Terrell, TX
2/01/07 Good Morning Karl and Nancy. Happy cows in Havana, and as you indicated they would, they are filling out nicely. Bit of Gold is as tall as Moon Beam now and both appear to be both happy and healthy. I do have a question for you. Bit of Gold has dark markings on her nose (see close up photo). Is this some kind of condition we should treat? Another question is about worming? Is it still too early to worm? I seem to recall you indicated we should worm them about April, is that correct? When Karl was here he provide so much information we could not remember it all.
According to the tables, we think Moon Beam will calf in April, and as we talked about before, we think we should breed her back about May. And breed Bit of Gold about the same time. Please let me know if this is correct, We enjoy having the cows on our small place and are looking forward to the calf in April. If it is a heifer, good, but if it is a bull will you help us sell it. As I recall our discussions about this I can not keep it on our small place. (see the 4/25/07 message to see the results of this breeding program.)
Thanks again for all you help. Bob Huston – Havana, FL Top of this page
2/16/2007 Howdy Karl & Nancy,
I enjoyed talking to you tonight Karl podnah. Ol’ Cibolo and Martin Luther have done themselves up proud. Cibolo sired 2 heifers and a bull. Martin Luther sired a heifer. They are all mighty fine looking calves. One cow (the one I called Nancy Beth) never calved. She has now been with 4 different bulls with no result so I will be taking her to market real soon. I hope y’all are doing well, we are certainly blessed. I took my little herd to the vet today and got them all current on shots and the calves all tattooed. Tell Nancy gal howdy when she gets back. The Lord be with you, Hal Hines – Fort Worth
3/15/2007 Dear Karl & Nancy, thank you for receiving me and giving me a tour of your ranch . . . it was really just like going back into the 1950’s and seeing my dad’s ranch! As a National Cattle Judge and speaker to numerous groups of Breeders associations, I can say without hesitation that your Miniature Herefords are fabulous, that Cindy Sue heifer would win her class in any show ring in America!
Thank you for giving me an afternoon to remember, I only wish I had brought my grandchildren.
Gary Cross, Bryan, Texas.
3/13/2007 Our baby is a heifer. Her name is POR Roxy Spicewood. Papers have already been sent to AHA. Will send you some pictures. Waiting for Lady to calve now. Your bull has done an outstanding job for us. Dan – Spicewood, TX
4/25/07 Carl and Nancy,
Attached is a photo of Moon Beam’s heifer calf, born April 11th . Both are doing fine. We hope you guy are alright with all the bad weather in Texas. Bob – Tallahassee, FL
3/24/2008 Karl & Nancy: Thought you would like to know that the calves are adjusting well. They talk to me at least twice a day when it’s feeding time! The vet was out several weeks ago and gave them their shots. I pen them in the round pen while they are eating so the other animals don’t steal their food.
I’ve sat in the round pen with them trying to let them get adjusted. During the day they like to lay under a big tree in the back pasture. (What a life!)
I’m so happy to have them! Thank you for selling them to me! Please let me know when you have new arrivals for sale. I have some friends that are interested.
I look forward to meeting Nancy in the future! Take Care. Lori Ann Lewis, GrapeVine, TX
3/28/08 (Near downtown Dallas) Thanks so much for your hospitality while we were visiting Texas. Our family had a great time visiting your beautiful farm. Thanks for sharing it with us. And I think it is so neat that I have a calf named after me – thanks for that. How is the little thing doing anyway? And also, how is your cow doing that fell during giving birth? Is she still on the mend? We prayed for her recovery. Thanks again and God bless the two of you, Sabrina (for the whole family 🙂
5/14/2008 From: Wild West Pony Parties! [mailto: info@dallaspony.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:16 AM
To: Falster Farm & Cattle Ranch
Subject: pictures!
Hello! Just wanted to share some really cute pics of Stuart with you:)
Have a great day! Laura
“I won’t hold being a former Marine against Karl, only because he has helped with my little cattle herd in person and over the phone so many times. Nancy is the best hostess I’ve ever met, I love my visit with them every year around hog hunting time. “