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Cow That Is
With a focus on FRIENDLY, this is TRASK TUNA 28 . . . a 1st time heifer, heavy bred.
Calved (born) March 12, 2018, TRASK TUNA is a Mini Hereford and small French Normande cross yielding the potential for a dual purpose small family farm. As you can see she is beefy and at the same time capable of good milk for the family. If she is left alone, she will simply produce high butter fat milk for her calf. Most of our customers love this dual purpose cow. It’s sorta like a tree that bears both apples and pears. And she loves attention, or can you tell?
She is a daughter of a Neal Trask developed bull T-197. He was genetically A2A2 while her mother was a small French Normande (Flashy Tuna 1609.) The Neal Trask line of Hereford cattle are legendary old world Herefords. While the Normande are what French Cheese is all about!
Deep bodied, excellent heart girth, top line is flat as a table, and her bottom line is solidly balanced. Genetically fly resistant, she is grass alone raised, no harmonies, no GMO – just grass, salt, mineral and hay. She is Certified Naturally Grown.
Miniature Hereford
Our stock is the Old Breed of Hereford. We have a strict selection process for the production of quality cows and bulls. The success of our genetics in the show ring in New Zealand and Australia is unparalleled. We have both Polled (hornless) and horned lines. The beef is magnificent. We are breeding for A2A2. View the offerings.
Mini Red Angus
Our stock is classic Line Bred without up-sizing to the current standard size. Measured at the hip they are 1 – 3 frame score or the “classic” size. They are docile, have heavy butter fat for their babies, easy fleshing on grass alone and no birthing problems. Nutrient dense beef that is A2A2 is what we are after. View the offerings.
The breeding stock of our Dairy Cows is to develop a Family Milk Cow that is imaginably small and feminine in stature, with a daily capacity of milk between 1 to 3 gallons cream bearing milk. You will find Registered Mini Jersey and French Normande. A2A2 milk is what we are after – and we have it. View the offerings.
Pet Cows
Pet Cows are for fun and attractive lawn ornaments, and don’t forget to check with your County Taxing authority about Ag Exemption. View the offerings.
Come See Us
Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas.
Navigate your Google map to: “Falster Farm near Winnsboro, Texas”
903-629-3034 (h or 210-737-4527 (text