Enhancing the Executive Experience as you “disconnect to reconnect”.

As more and more people in general are discovering the need to get off the Merry-Go-Round of life in its busyness, there is also an awakening to the need to connect with “old-timey” activity like digging up potatoes, watching the cows chew their cud, searching stars and night objects after sunset – listening to a owls hoot and the rooster crow.

BUT where do you go to experience these in real life? On a real farm stay Texas, that’s where!

And who needs an escape more than busy executives in today’s fast paced market?

Falling Star Farm Stay Texas is the place for leaders to get out of their suits, pull on a pair of boots, cowboy hat, breathe deep, slow down and reconnect with a smile.

Instead of high tech games, zip-lines, golf rounds, spa dates and catered meals the owners of Falling Star offer Executives a change of pace. Help feed the chickens, pigs and ducks, gather fresh eggs and milk the cows. In these real life activities, you will find your thoughts unwind, creativity flow and blood pressures drop.

Join with your team in gathering wood for building a fire in our Earth Oven to make your own bread, share cooking meals with food grown right on the farm and enjoying sleep without artificial lights glaring in from windows.

Rest in a place where doors do not have to be locked and stars are the last lights you see before bed . . . that’s a Farm Stay Texas get-a-way.

After leaving the corporate world behind, your hosts of Falling Star have 18 years of experience testifying to the therapeutic value this type of respite offers in the seasonal activities that are the ultimate in true team building and a world of fun, too. Whether you want to pick your own veggies, head out on a nature walk, make cheese or enjoy a toasty fire before bed, I can help you custom build a unique, life-changing experience for your team at Falling Star Farm Stay.

Rustic, plush cabins are built for two individuals with private baths in each. There are no TV’s in the rooms and no Wi-Fi; after all, the goal is to disconnect to reconnect.

There will be farm fresh meals 3 times a day with artisanal snacks and drinks.

Activities are planned with weather in mind and there will be plenty of time for business meetings and even some optional outings that can be added.

Contact Nancy Falster 903-629-3034 to book for the upcoming year.

Farm Stay Texas!

Red Angus Heifers 


Falster Farm’s 2017 crop of Mid Frame Score heifers are line bred — now over 30 generations and share the predictable genetics that include very easy fleshing, fly resistance, high butterfat with abundant milk to raise a super beef calf, and docile. Following is our listing:



Red Angus Heifer E-6

 Click Photo to View Video 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow


Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow

KNF CHINA DOLL 1863 {DLF,HYF,IEF} (43359932) 

Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow

KNF CHYNNA ENID (43694515) 

Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow


Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow


Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow

KNF LILLIE FAYE (42690149) 

Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow


Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow

KNF MISS ENID (43084823) 

Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow

KNF MISS NALA (43743174)

Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow



KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow


Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

KNF BROWN EYED SUSAN miniature Hereford Cow

LS CINDERELLA 84T (42930662)

Calved on June 19, 2015 to LS CINDERELLA x KNF PRINCE RUPERT. She offers the best of both worlds. Since birth she has been easy fleshing and easy on the eye. Confined safe in calf with her 1st  by KNF CIBOLO. 

Contact Us

Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas. 

2112 County Road 4778, Winnsboro, TX 75494


Contact Us Today


Mini Hereford heifer

Mini cows for kids: Current as of August 8, 2018

A Perfect Fit

Our yearling calves are a perfect fit for any farming opportunity, be it a commercially successful venture or a hobby that pays for itself. Mini cows for kids? We raise and sell weanlings and yearlings of Mini Hereford, Red Angus, Old World Dairy, and crosses of those pure bred cows. Let me tell you how:

We want to breed to bulls that often times we can’t afford to own. Or, to a sire back in the line several generations but is now dead. To do this we artificially inseminate frozen semen. Our success rate is about 80%. After the cows are bred they are placed with a “follow-up” bull to breed those that didn’t “take”. Those crosses are wonderful, just not expensive registered pure bred stock.  

Get a Free Quote

Pet Cow and his Best Friend  growing up together.

Our 2018 class of Miniature Cattle calves (about 20 head) are by and large unique from any other we have had. One of our mini bucking bulls (TINY TWISTER) bred one our finest pure bred Registered Mini Hereford Cows (KNF MISS ENID) and gave us the smallest calf we have ever seen . . . and other interesting animals . . . Call Nancy at (903)629-3034) and let her tell you about some.    

The calves displayed here are but a sampling of the unique and gorgeous mini Herefords, Jersey and Herseys we have for sale on Falster Farm. 

Mini cows for kids:


Mini Hereford Heifer
Texas Beef Expo Winner – daughter of KNF PRINCE RUPERT

Here’s another one, this makes 3 years of success! Karl we really appreciate all the personal attention you have given our family. 

M Wallace – Oklahoma

Contact Us

Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas. 

2112 County Road 4778, Winnsboro, TX 75494


Contact Us Today

Gaining Ag Exemption with Mini Hereford Cattle is our Stock and Trade – please come see us, share in our hospitality. Small Family Farm East Texas


      Pet Mini Cow STUART LITTLE 

Well, perhaps not a house pet, but an absolutely beautiful and charming mini cow, just for your needs. From year to year we have a bull calf or heifer that is not  cut out for our breeding stock program, but have all the attributes that any pet owner could want:

” Grancy, MOO MOO and me are growing up together.”



Nancy Gail Falster and her pet mini cow
Nancy Gail Falster and her Pet Mini Cow








Mini Steer FRED
A French Normande and Mini Jersey cross, Click image to enlarge

Currently Available:

Pet Mini Cow:


A French Normande and Mini Jersey cross, FRED was calved 26 MAR 2021 heere on Falster Farm. He has some small horns from his mother’s side and is a docile about 46″ tall steer. He is a grass fed and finishing youngster.

He was only 25# at birth and yet a real stem-winder of activity. He has an attractive white crown on his forehead.

He is available for 2,200, in November 26, 2022.



KNF BINGO THISTLE. Click image to enlarge

Currently Available:

Pet Mini Cow:


KNF BINGO THISTLE K9 is a Full Blood miniature Hereford Pet Mini Cow. He is registerable with the American Hereford Association; and, can will be a Show Winner. He is available for 2,800, in November 2022.



Golden Lad K6 Click image to enlarge

Currently Available:

Pet Mini Cow:


Golden Lad K6 is a cross between a small Red Angus and a mini  Hereford, calved 11 MAR 22 here on Falster Farm in East Texas.

He is available for 2,200, in November 2022.



Mini Pet Steer RA Gary's Wagu K4
Mini Pet Steer RA Gary’s Wagu Click image to enlarge

Currently Available:

Pet Mini Cow:


Mini Pet Steer RA Gary’s Wagu K4 is a cross between a small Red Angus and a Red Wagu. He is docile and thrifty. He was calved on 5 JAN 2022.

He is available for 3,200, in November 2022.



Pet Mini Steer HERSEY MERCY Click image to enlarge

Currently Available:


Pet Mini Steer HERSEY MERCY calved 31 JUL 2022.. One of the nicest Pet Mini Cows we have on the place. He is small, docile and interested in what’s going on. I think he will make a good companion to man or other herd animals.

He is available for 3,200, in November 2022.



A2A2 mini bull KNF Kris Kringle
Kris Kringle Certified A2A2. Click image to enlarge

Currently Available:


Pet Mini A2A2 Bull KRIS KRINGLE calved 24 DEC 2022.. And what a Christmas present he was. One of the nicest Pet Mini Bulls  we have ever produced. He is A2A2 Certified Bata Cascine for milk;
Conceived by Artificial Insemination under Jemini, calved under Virgo (both good days.) He is small (about 43″), docile and viral. If you are looking for small A2A2 breeding stock, here he is.

He is available for 5,200, in November 2022.


Many of our Miniature Registered Herefords are purchased for pet mini cows – mini cattle so small and docile that they are safe for supervised children to be around. They  can have life spans of upwards to 18 years. They can be purchased from us as they become available. Contact Us now for Pet Mini Cows availability. 

Every year we have male calves that are not selected for breeding stock. Yes we have a stringent selection process, and that’s why our breeding stock is sought after world-wide. These calves are neutered (unless otherwise indicated) and sold as Pet Mini Cows. The full vita of each Pet mini cow is available just like the registered stock. These calves are easy to halter brake ( walk with halter) and friendly, we consider them excellent for therapeutic  value. 

Don’t make yourself a stranger:

Contact Us Today

If you’re looking for a Pet Mini Cow for a backyard pet, Petting Zoo, or a mini steer to ride, let’s talk about Falster Farm genetics: no order is to to large or too small – you will receive our full attention and appreciation.

See what our customers are saying about Falster Farm: Testimonials

We have other wonderful mini pet cow candidates, feel free to give us a call. Yes you can get here from there.

Contact Us

Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas. Private Airport Available.

2112 County Road 4778, Winnsboro, TX 75494


Contact Us Today

Gaining Ag Exemption with Mini Cattle is our Stock and Trade – please come see us, share in our small family farm hospitality.