Calved (born) March 12, 2018, TRASK TUNA is a Mini Hereford and small French Normande cross yielding the potential for a dual purpose small family farm. As you can see she is beefy and at the same time capable of good milk for the family. If she is left alone, she will simply produce high butter fat milk for her calf. Most of our customers love this dual purpose cow. It’s sorta like a tree that bears both apples and pears. And she loves attention, or can you tell?
She is a daughter of a Neal Trask developed bull T-197. He was genetically A2A2 while her mother was a small French Normande (Flashy Tuna 1609.) The Neal Trask line of Hereford cattle are legendary old world Herefords. While the Normande are what French Cheese is all about!
Deep bodied, excellent heart girth, top line is flat as a table, and her bottom line is solidly balanced. Genetically fly resistant, she is grass alone raised, no harmonies, no GMO – just grass, salt, mineral and hay. She is Certified Naturally Grown.
We put docility, feed and input efficiency and nutrient density at the top of the list of useful characteristics. We sell beef and dairy cattle directly to consumers. I must say, there’s no better testimony to quality and taste than repeat customers. Below you will find links to available stock in each of the herds we have been developing here in Texas since 1999.
Miniature Hereford
Our stock is the Old Breed of Hereford. We have a strict selection process for the production of quality cows and bulls. The success of our genetics in the show ring in New Zealand and Australia is unparalleled. We have both Polled (hornless) and horned lines. The beef is magnificent. We are breeding for A2A2. View the offerings.
Mini Red Angus
Our stock is classic Line Bred without up-sizing to the current standard size. Measured at the hip they are 1 – 3 frame score or the “classic” size. They are docile, have heavy butter fat for their babies, easy fleshing on grass alone and no birthing problems. Nutrient dense beef that is A2A2 is what we are after. View the offerings.
The breeding stock of our Dairy Cows is to develop a Family Milk Cow that is imaginably small and feminine in stature, with a daily capacity of milk between 1 to 3 gallons cream bearing milk. You will find Registered Mini Jersey and French Normande. A2A2 milk is what we are after – and we have it. View the offerings.
Pet Cows
Pet Cows are for fun and attractive lawn ornaments, and don’t forget to check with your County Taxing authority about Ag Exemption. View the offerings.
Come See Us
Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas.
Navigate your Google map to: “Falster Farm near Winnsboro, Texas”
Photos above depict results of our foraged based Red Angus cows bred AI to a Red Wagu bull of some renown. Our project is to develop a Cross that meets both the Super Premium market (Wagu) and the Premium market (Certified Angus) for color and beef tenderness. There are serious enhancements made to the Wagu, allowing for a grass-fed and grass-finished beef program.
On 13 SEP 2018 we bred 5 superior Red Angus females (forage based, 4 and 5 Frame Score) to the red Wagu bull Sumo Seisakushu C221 (5 Frame Score.) Three of these AI’s took and we got 1 bull and 2 heifer calves, each born on 20 Jun 2019.
Above is the Wagu Sire, and the collage shows the Dam’s and their get. The birthing process was with no assistance. The cows received no grain supplements what so ever. All 3 calves are identical: vigorous, happy to be together. We like this combination. It appears this breeding has taken a bit of the leg length out of the calf while adding more flesh on the rear.
This is our Wagu x Red Angus Cross — we will do it again.
Our quality, value and customer service have made Falster Farm a trusted source of animal breeding products and services since 1999. To help us build this privileged relationship with you, we welcome your comments and suggestions, as it is our pleasure to serve you at any time.
Certified Wholistically Grown™ — Falster — family owned and operated farm of Pure Bred Breeding Stock. Our beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and CSA offerings are of the finest quality: (never any GMO or SOY, never a poison or chemicals); always free-ranging outside under the sunny Texas skies, on pastures of clover and natural forages 365 days a year, every year. Pork is hand fed raw milk.
Following is an abbreviated history of why the Mid Frame Score Red Angus Herd came to be on our place in East Texas. If you will bear with me, (for posterity) I will relate the history of our beautiful cows in our Red Angus Herd – as I lived it:
At a Gerald Fry Bovine Engineering conference in Gainesville, Texas several years ago, I met a dedicated Red Angus breeder, Kevin F. Now, Kevin was and is fixated on line-breeding the Choctaw Chief 373 Red Angus line; sort of the Holy Grail of Red Angus beef cattle. Kevin had heard of my line breeding of miniature Herefords which has become an international success. He had Red Angus genetics with a need of a partnership for the development of his small herd of collected “Chief” genetics. We struck a bargain and he trailer’ed his cows into Wood County Texas.
After his personal inspection of Falster Farm’s herds and environment, and with our growing mutual admiration, he introduced Rick M who had a need to do the same with his small herd of Red Angus as Kevin and I were enjoying. A month or so later, Rick (and a world- class horse breeder lady friend) came to interview Nancy and I; to make a bargain for the management of his herd of 20 Line Bred Red Angus of the PCC HOBO line. This arrangement brought the cows here on a management and pasture lease contract that would give him some breathing room from the result of his divorce decree. It appears the man got the short end and was only able to retain 20 head of that marvelous herd.
Now, on our Falster Farm marketing tract: after a year or so of working from the inside and out, Nancy and I hosted the Executive Chef staff and Executive from the Human Resources Department of the nations largest resort, THE GAYLORD TEXAN, with the idea of creating an Executive Retreat to be built on our Certified Naturally Grown farm and ranch. It was a wonderful visit that included the General Manager and his assistant making a personal review of our mid-size Red Angus herd. Head Executive Chef Juan was elated at what I showed him: the environment, the Red Angus herd, and his ability to walk freely amongst the whole herd and the hearing of our breeding and low stress practice. For the first time in his life, he touched a cow in the field, got up close to see first-hand their depth of caucus merits, the calves, the heifers, the steers, and meet the actual producer. He had been to 44 Farms and on places from coast to coast to find what we are doing here only 100 miles away from his restaurants. On the spot he wanted to get us in their purchasing system (which would take me some 6 months of negotiating the red tape of the Marriott International Purchasing System.)
Providentially, I got a call from Rick explaining he wanted to sell his cows and pursue the equestrian (woman) show world. So, these cows were purchased by me as a small cut out of a herd of 300+ head, bred and born and developed on the Sand Hills of Nebraska. So they know all about snow and tough winter snow-covered grazing (my last duty station was in Lincoln, NB). The photo of PCC KAYCEE HOBO (sire of about ½ the herd) reflects that sand hill environment in the background.
These Red Angus were desirable to me because they were from an organic beef production program, not a commercial feed lot high input cattle; they are a low input registered seed stock, well bred to produce both beef and foundation progeny.
During the tenure of the management phase I grew to have great respect for the sisterhood of this herd, their mutual support of calves, herd security is important to us because over the years we’ve lost about 12,500 in cattle flesh to a long tailed cat. I sincerely their docile nature, their lack of butting each other and selfishness I have experienced most of my life with the beautiful Herefords I enjoy so much.
My granny Morgan used to chide my grandpa with a “there’s proof in the puddin.” Well, the summer of 2018 gave us a drought here resulting in nobody having any more than a smidgen of the number of round bales usually put up each Summer. As Nancy will tell you, I recognized the prospects of that drought in early May.
She arranged for me to attended a grazers conference in Kentucky featuring an old friend (or rival), Joel Saladin. I rented a space ship like car so I could drive up there and canvass the drought edges which were spread over into Louisiana and Mississippi. On the way back out of Tennessee, I started looking to rent fenced land that was empty of livestock. I stopped in with friends from Monroe back to here.
It was in September that by putting flyers in mail boxes I found two properties that were a fit for us (we have to honor our certification as “Certified Naturally Grown“.) One property had been a hay grower but not so in the previous 3 years (Mark), and the other was fallow land for many years. It was a former terraced row crop farm that had mostly rough dry Bahia, some dry Bermuda, Dove Weed, and small trees in it; very rough. (Larry).
Larry’s place was 60 acres poorly fenced and surrounded by other rough and fallow places but had a small spring fed pond on it. Mark’s place was lush Bermuda grass over 10 acres and an artesian-fed pool – gorgeous and hard fenced on all sides.
So I picked out 7 head of short bred Red Angus cows and 3 recip cows with embryos in um and placed them there. Located some 20 miles distant, Mark looked after them.
On Larry’s place, located 1 mile away, I set up a single strand of hot wire down one entire side and across the road frontage. This one strand was never breached. I moved the rest of the Red Angus mama cows, calves, 1st time heifers and weanling age bull calves. For them it must have been like going home – back to the sand hills, it was so bleak. After a day or two roaming the place they settled in and started gnawing that tough standing grass and brush. They didn’t get a tub of boiled molasses till some 2 months later when the weather was in the freezing ranges at night and browsing was more brush than grass, or so it seemed to me.
My intern’s family came to visit from Washington state and I figured we’d give them some Texas fun, so we set up a cattle drive to bring the Red Angus Cows home utilizing her people as road guards and beaters. It was a lot of fun for us all. Of course we trailered the lot from Mark’s Place back home with their calves.
What this Red Angus Herd taught me – I learned from this 2018 experience was that while like in the drought of 2011, my neighbors sold out at a loss: most of them have quit, but not me.
The Red Angus Cows on Larry’s never got a single round bale of hay, they foraged it out supplemented with 5 tubes of molasses, salt, and minerals alone. This was astounding to me and I told my wife and intern this was so. The cattle at Mark’s place had no better condition or calving success than the girls on Larry’s Place. Both lots came home and reunited as if they had never separated, and were their indistinguishable selves.
While we don’t have much snow, it does get wet and cold – occasionally real cold what with the humidity.
I can certainly understand risk management as that’s the very nature of dry land farming and doing it without government strings can make you draw up at times.
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The table below will show the age, hip height and pregnancy condition of each cow. Calves are listed at the bottom. If you’ve done any research about the PCC profile requirements, I think you’ll agree these cows can meet any range environment. Please let us know, we’d love to have a working relationship with you.
Red Angus Cow
Birth Date
Hip Height
Frame Score
Bull Used
A1 +
B5 +
A4 +
20 Feb
RP 1511 *
B15 +
RP 89 - JOY *
* #21 cow is a full blood Red Polled cow and the #16 is a ½ blood of Red Polled X Red Angus – both fit our program very well. - they are excellent Recip Cows.
Calf of +
G37 Red Baron
Column C is relevent to 1/3/2020. You can calculate on a new date .
Terms of sale: Terms of sale: There are nineteen (19) 2-6 year old Red Angus Cow; with 4 of them being cow/calf pairs. 17 mama’s are Registered with the Red Angus Association of America, and 2 are Red Polled; owners Karl or Nancy Falster, who attest this lot is owned free and clear. Asking 29,700 for this beautiful package.
17 mamas are registered with the American Red Anus Association, 2 mamas are Red Polled cows that are an excellent match for calves or Embryo Transplant work. Bred Cows are $1,700 each, Cows with a calf at side are $1900 for the pair. 29,700 is the package.
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A deposit of 1/3 wired to our bank in Winnsboro holds these Red Angus Cows for 15 days without board, after that, dollar a day for each except the calves of 6 months and under. Transportation can be arranged – first 25 miles no charge. This small herd can be broken up by singles or the pairs.
Talk to Us
Please call 903-629-3034. We are here Monday thru Friday from 8am CST to 5pm CST and Saturday from 8am CST to 12pm CST.
You are most welcome and visit this Red Angus Herd.
Go ahead and ask, what are small-size cattle good for. Like my granddaddyRead More
before me, I won’t be offended. We put docility, feed and input efficiency and nutrient density at the top of the list of useful characteristics. We sell beef and dairy cattle directly to consumers. I must say, there’s no better testimony to quality and taste than repeat customers.
Below you will find links to available stock in each of the herds we have been developing here in Texas since 1999.
Trio of Falster Farm Red Wagu Crossed calves in deep East Texas pastures. If you come to our Farm Stay Texas, you’ll see these in person.
Red Angus x Wagu
Trio of Falster Farm Red Wagu Crossed calves in deep East Texas pastures. If you love PRIME cuts of beef here is your chance to buy calves and finish them yourself, or we will finish them for you.
Priced at 1,500 per head or buy a Share
Registered – able Red Angus heifer calved April 8, 2019 To PCC BONJOUR x RA – B 14. Excellent Conformation good attitude.
Red Angus G 29 Heifer
A classic Line Bred heifer of the HOBO Line and PPC OL HAWKINS on her top side Measured at the hip she should be a 2 frame score or the “classic” size. She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems.
She is available @ 1,000.
Excellent conformation in a Red Wagu Bull x Registered Red Angus Cow. This Heifer Calved July 16, 2019. Can Not Be Registered. Mama is RA – B 7
Red Wagu 39 Heifer
Frankly the typical Wagu (Japanese Kolbi Beef) needs lots of grain to make what you get in the Chop House like Hibiscus. We wanted to put that Prime Grade Flesh on – but from grass alone. This is the answer. We have a very limited number @ 1,500 per head.
Excellent conformation in a Red Wagu Bull x Registered Red Angus Cow. This Heifer Calved June 24, 2019. Can Not Be Registered. Mama is RA – B6
Red Wagu 42 Bull
Frankly the typical Wagu (Japanese Kolbi Beef) needs lots of grain to make what you get in the Chop House like Hibiscus. We wanted to put that Prime Grade Flesh on – but from grass alone. This is the answer. We have a very limited number @ 1,500 per head.
Excellent conformation in a Red Wagu Bull x Registered Red Angus Cow. This Heifer Calved July 16, 2019. Can Not Be Registered. Mama is RA – B 13
Red Wagu 39 Heifer
Frankly the typical Wagu (Japanese Kolbi Beef) needs lots of grain to make what you get in the Chop House like Hibiscus. We wanted to put that Prime Grade Flesh on – but from grass alone. This is the answer. We have a very limited number @ 1,500 per head.
Certified Wholistically Grown™ — Falster — family owned and operated farm of Pure Bred Breeding Stock. Our beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and CSA offerings are of the finest quality: (never any GMO or SOY, never a poison or chemicals); always free-ranging outside under the sunny Texas skies, on pastures of clover and natural forages 365 days a year, every year. Pork is hand fed raw milk.
Go ahead and ask, what are small-size cattle good for. Like my granddaddyRead More
before me, I won’t be offended. We put docility, feed and input efficiency and nutrient density at the top of the list of useful characteristics. We sell beef and dairy cattle directly to consumers. I must say, there’s no better testimony to quality and taste than repeat customers.
Below you will find links to available stock in each of the herds we have been developing here in Texas since 1999.
Red Angus Heifer F1 mini
KNF MISS TRACY F1 is a June 9, 2018 born heifer that weighted 40# at birth.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 13
She can be registered with the American Red Angus Association. Everything about this heifer is excellent. She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems.
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus Heifer F2
F2 KNF MOOLATTA, calved June 10, 2018, is a classic Line Bred heifer of the HOBO Line and PPC OL HAWKINS on her top side Measured at the hip she should be a 2 frame score or the “classic” size. She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 5
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus Heifer F4 mini
F 4 Ruby Liz 80, calved Sep 4, 2018. She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems. She can be registered with the American Red Angus Association.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 5
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus F 5 – mini
RA – F5 RIO POTLATCH 89, calved Sep 4, 2018. She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems. She can be registered with the American Red Angus Association.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 11
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus E 4
RA – E 4, calved August 5, 2018
She is registered with the American Red Angus Association. # 3895501.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 7
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus E 6
RA – E 6, calved August 5, 2018 Reg. # 3895505
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 7
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus E 8
RA – E 8, calved August 5, 2018 Reg. # 4015000.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- A 4
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus E 11
Red Angus Heifers for sale in East Texas
RA – E 8, calved May 1, 2018 Reg. # 3895493.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA- B 1
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus E 14
Red Angus Heifers for sale in East Texas
RA – E 14, calved May 1, 2018 Reg. # 3895497.
Sire: PCC Kaycee-Hobo
Dam: RA – B 9
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus E 15
Red Angus Heifers for sale in East Texas
RA – E 15, calved May 27, 2018 Reg. # 3895499.
Dam: RA – A 4
She is a virgin heifer exposed to RA E-7.
Red Angus 89
She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems. A classic Line Bred heifer of the HOBO Line and PPC OL HAWKINS on her top side Measured at the hip she should be a 2 frame score or the “classic” size. She is docile, and will share the heavy butter fat for her babies, and be easy fleshing on grass alone with no birthing problems.
Nancy Falster on the back of KNF CIBOLO, with husband Karl shows how docile are the Falster genetics.
Over the years we have received many Reviews – Falster Farm On Pasture 365.
Click on the image to Jump to the 1st Feature Article that was written about our venture into the world of bovine animal husbandry of Miniature Cattle.
I didn’t know it at the time but “Ag Exemption” would drive or sales handsomely.
We don’t raise perfect cattle, but we may have the perfect nutrient dense beef cow(s) for you. Be they heirloom Mini Red Angus or Classic, they are expertly Line Bred to have predictable genetics that together, we can analyse and make sure they are for you. ♥
Any search of the beef cattle industry history over the last five years will indicate that the fastest growth in beef cow popularity is the small to moderate framed Red Angus breed. Unlike their relative the Aberdeen Black Angus, the heat and pressure of Summer sun does not bother them. Unlike their standard sized competitors, they get fat on grass alone, no need for escalating expense of daily feeding of grain and supplements (see the facts about our Honestly Grass Fed Beef℠ ). Unlike the standard breeds, you don’t need heavy equipment to handle and enjoy them. AND, our mid size Red Angus have CALVING EASE! Check with your county tax office to see how many you need for Ag Exemption. Experience the joy they are around children, and easy handling in the show ring. We are your easy going, high service, fordable source for Mid Size Red Angus in East Texas.
Here are three of our gorgeous 2018 class of Mini Red Angus heifers and a Mini Red Angus Bull for your herd starter consideration.
F 1 Queen of Hearts
Lady Ruby
Calved May 1, 2018, a bred 1st Time Heifer, she has a calm disposition dark red pelt, just a real fine heifer. Measured at the hip, she is 48″ tall.
E 15 Red Angus Heifer
Lady Dianne
Calved May 1, 2018, a bred 1st Time Heifer, she has a calm disposition dark red pelt, just a real fine heifer. Measured at the hip, she is 47″ tall
Lady Blaze
Calved May 1, 2018, a bred 1st Time Heifer, she has a calm disposition dark red pelt, just a real fine heifer. Measured at the hip, she is 48″ tall
Mini Red Angus Bull East Texas
Calved May 1st, 2018
Lord Zagfree
Our selection process rates this young bull as Excellent. He measures 49″ tall at the hip and weighs 980 lbs. Scrotal size and conformation is excellent.
meeting you. We can’t wait to show you all that we have to offer. Since 1998 Karl and Nancy Falster have been producing excellent Mini and Classic size Hereford cattle and over the years they have expanded and improved on those genetics.
In 2003, Karl learned about how Goat’s milk could help offset the pain with his Service Connected Disability from Agent Orange toxification from Viet Nam. Research and hundreds of phone calls lead him (some 10 years later) to the discovery of A2A2 milk cow, and the rare cows that produce it.
So, in 2013 he purchased his first A2A2 cow, the aged Normande A2A2 cow: PIPER.
PIPER’s PRINCESS is her subsequent calf and that launched the breedings efforts to downsize the A2A2 French Normande and A2A2 Mini Jersey breeds found on Falster Farm today. In 2015 it occurred to him that if the A2A2 Milk Cow was superior in milk production, surly the A2A2 Beef cows would be the same on the beef side . . . but that’s another story.
With Nancy’s help on the phone and emails, they made contact with a
hobbyist in the Austin area with the same ideations. An informal partnership developed into finding some old lines of Heritage Hereford and Red Angus with the A2A2 β-casein proteins. Capt. Karl leased A2A2 bulls, bought and shipped in imported French frozen semen and Providentially found the Line Bred Red Angus A2A2 cows he so eagerly sought.
KNF BONNIE BRIE is an A2A2 French Normande Embryo Transplant (ET) cow.
She was were born 12 SEP 17 from an embryo carried by recip cow SHOTZIE. Her Mid-Size is proof that the quality and size of the recip cow will have a major influence on the phenotype of the offspring. She birthed a super attractive bull calf, KNF LUKE’S TOP CHOICE. She has not been trained to milk at this writing.
Mid Size French Normandie BONNIE BRIE
Mini Size French Normande Cross A2A2 PIPERS PRINCESS is an 3/4 (A2A2) French Normande. Daughter of our original A2A2 cow PIPER who is 1/2 Gurnsey, 1/2 Normande.
PRINCESS was were born 1 OCT 14 from an A2A2 Normandie sire HONOR ABLE. Her Mid-Size makes her easy to breed and easy to milk by hand or machine. She is an excellent mama cow.
Well, perhaps not a house pet, but an absolutely beautiful and charming mini cow, just for your needs. From year to year we have a bull calf or heifer that is not cut out for our breeding stock program, but have all the attributes that any pet owner could want:
” Grancy, MOO MOO and me are growing up together.”
Nancy Gail Falster and her Pet Mini Cow
A French Normande and Mini Jersey cross, Click image to enlarge
Currently Available:
Pet Mini Cow:
A French Normande and Mini Jersey cross, FRED was calved 26 MAR 2021 heere on Falster Farm. He has some small horns from his mother’s side and is a docile about 46″ tall steer. He is a grass fed and finishing youngster.
He was only 25# at birth and yet a real stem-winder of activity. He has an attractive white crown on his forehead.
He is available for 2,200, in November 26, 2022.
KNF BINGO THISTLE. Click image to enlarge
Currently Available:
Pet Mini Cow:
KNF BINGO THISTLE K9 is a Full Blood miniature Hereford Pet Mini Cow. He is registerable with the American Hereford Association; and, can will be a Show Winner. He is available for 2,800, in November 2022.
Golden Lad K6 Click image to enlarge
Currently Available:
Pet Mini Cow:
Golden Lad K6 is a cross between a small Red Angus and a mini Hereford, calved 11 MAR 22 here on Falster Farm in East Texas.
He is available for 2,200, in November 2022.
Mini Pet Steer RA Gary’s Wagu Click image to enlarge
Currently Available:
Pet Mini Cow:
Mini Pet Steer RA Gary’s Wagu K4 is a cross between a small Red Angus and a Red Wagu. He is docile and thrifty. He was calved on 5 JAN 2022.
He is available for 3,200, in November 2022.
Pet Mini Steer HERSEY MERCY Click image to enlarge
Currently Available:
Pet Mini Steer HERSEY MERCY calved 31 JUL 2022.. One of the nicest Pet Mini Cows we have on the place. He is small, docile and interested in what’s going on. I think he will make a good companion to man or other herd animals.
He is available for 3,200, in November 2022.
Kris Kringle Certified A2A2. Click image to enlarge
Currently Available:
Pet Mini A2A2 Bull KRIS KRINGLE calved 24 DEC 2022.. And what a Christmas present he was. One of the nicest Pet Mini Bulls we have ever produced. He is A2A2 Certified Bata Cascine for milk;
Conceived by Artificial Insemination under Jemini, calved under Virgo (both good days.) He is small (about 43″), docile and viral. If you are looking for small A2A2 breeding stock, here he is.
He is available for 5,200, in November 2022.
Many of our Miniature Registered Herefords are purchased for pet mini cows – mini cattle so small and docile that they are safe for supervised children to be around. They can have life spans of upwards to 18 years. They can be purchased from us as they become available. Contact Us now for Pet Mini Cows availability.
Every year we have male calves that are not selected for breeding stock. Yes we have a stringent selection process, and that’s why our breeding stock is sought after world-wide. These calves are neutered (unless otherwise indicated) and sold as Pet Mini Cows. The full vita of each Pet mini cow is available just like the registered stock. These calves are easy to halter brake ( walk with halter) and friendly, we consider them excellent for therapeutic value.
If you’re looking for a Pet Mini Cow for a backyard pet, Petting Zoo, or a mini steer to ride, let’s talk about Falster Farm genetics: no order is to to large or too small – you will receive our full attention and appreciation.
See what our customers are saying about Falster Farm: Testimonials
We have other wonderful mini pet cow candidates, feel free to give us a call. Yes you can get here from there.
Contact Us
Located mid way between Dallas and Shreveport, some 46 miles North of Tyler, Texas. Private Airport Available.